Monday, October 11, 2010

50 Amazing Examples Of Bokeh Photography PICS

Bokeh or boke, in it’s originally is a Japanese word (though many out there might not agree with that, but that's not our main focus here) and it means haze or blur.
In photography, the word "bokeh" is associated with the blur that is seen in the out of focus areas of a image (the background or the foreground of an in-focus subject or scene).

This is useful when you want to make the main subject of your photo standout amongst any distractions passing on around it directing all the attention in your frame towards it.

You focus upon your main target and anything else within your frame is thrown out of focus (unless you're using a very narrow aperture opening of course, in which case everything in the image would look sharp, crisp and in-focus).

Here are 50 Amazing Examples Of Bokeh Photography PICS for you to enjoy seeing.

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